Karabinhage Big

3 reviews

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1% For The Planet

Ved at købe dette produkt støtter du en god sag direkte. Som medlem af 1% For The Planet donerer Tropilex-mærket mindst 1 % af sin samlede årlige omsætning til velgørenhedsorganisationer.


person Model Karabinhage
bolt Mærke Tropilex ®
hand-holding-heart Velgørenhed 1% For The Planet
earth-americas Oprindelsesland 🇳🇱 Holland
palette Farve Metal
weight-hanging Maksimal belastning 160 kg
bacon Materiale Metal
ruler Total længde 14 cm
weight-scale Vægt 0.25 kg
box-open Emballage 20 x 15 x 5 cm



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Questions about this fixing material?

We are happy to answer all your questions

How to hang a hammock or hanging chair?


Always stretch out your new hammock or hanging chair. Then determine the height and length. The middle of the hammock or hanging chair should hang about 40-50 centimeters above the ground.

More about the correct distance and useful tips.

How to hang my hammock between two walls?


When hanging between two walls, you will have to drill. But first you will have to check whether the wall is safe enough. We have various hanging systems available.

More about hanging between walls.

How to hang my hammock between two poles?


When hanging between two poles, you will have to drill. But first you will have to check whether the poles are safe enough. We have various hanging systems available.

More about hanging between poles.

How to hang my hammock between two trees?


When hanging between two trees, you do not have to drill. But you will have to check whether the trees are safe enough. We have various suspension systems available.

More about hanging between trees.

How to hang my hammock or hanging chair from the ceiling?


When hanging from a ceiling, you will have to drill. But first you will have to check whether the ceiling is safe enough. We have various suspension systems available.

Unlike when mounting in a wall, it is important that the mounting can rotate. This prevents forces from building up. This can be done easily with a piece of rope or with a swivel.

More about hanging from a ceiling.

What if I order the wrong fixing material?


No problem. You can always return the fixing material. In most cases it's free.

Read everything about returns here.

Hvad siger rigtige kunder om os

Kan rigtig godt lide begge dele. Hængekøjer er solide og ligger fantastisk.
Linda Kok
Dejlig hængestol, en jeg havde ledt efter længe og endelig fandt her.
Ans Bos
Top udvalg, gode produkter, hurtig levering og perfekt service.
Martin Willems
Super! Hængekøjen ligger bare med det samme og rummelig nok til 2 personer.
Hendrik Balk
Bestilte hængekøjen med stativ i går. Modtog den dagen efter.
Lisa Green
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